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Royal Dragonfly Book Award First Place Winners!

Fun from A to Z: Coloring, Drawing, and Tracing Workbook (Ages 3–5)
These coloring, drawing, and tracing activities will provide your little one with hours of educational and creative fun!
Fun from A to Z: Preschool Educational Workbook (Ages 3–5)
Engaging activities that will help prepare your child for kindergarten. Skill areas include: Letter and word tracing, color & shapes, early math, science facts, puzzles and more!

These books are also available on Amazon.

BIG MAD? Or Little Mad? Snissy’s Mad-Size Trick
Hardback & Workbook
Broccoli for dinner was not her choice, but something frozen her mood would voice! Discover how Snissy uses her Mad Mood Meter to uncover and change her feelings about Gram’s dinner food!
More Preschool Educational Workbooks

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